Emergency nursing Log book 2nd goal

The second goal
To improve my knowledge regarding ECG

-At the end of 10 shifts I will be able to apply the ECG correctly
-At the end of 20 shifts I will be able to calculate HR with regular and irregular rhythm
-At the end of 36 shifts I will be able to interpret the ECG strip correctly

*- In the first 10 days I read about ECG from internet and Critical care book  , watch some video and watch the hospital nurse how apply the ECG  

*- then I read the about Regularity and how to calculate the HR with regular and irregular rhythm from critical care book, ECG made easy book and internet and apply it    

*- then I read from critical care book , ECG made easy book  and internet about interpret the ECG  

*- how apply the ECG

 V1 –Fourth intercostal space at right sternal border
 V2 –Fourth intercostal space at left sternal border
 V3 –sensor Midway between V2 and V4.
 V4 –sensor at Fifth intercostal space left of midclavicular line.
 V5 –Anterior axillary line at same level as V4
 V6 –Midaxillary line at same level as V4

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